Mea Culpa—Stage 2

I guess we could think of the following as case-notes, documenting how I got from a clearly flawed person to one that is in the process of “coming out”, and just as flawed until I am all the way out.
Translation: Describing the process of having moved from point “A” to point “B” only to discover that point “A” encompasses point “B”. Confused? Of course, you are since, on the surface, such an idea defies Western Civilization logic (e.g., “A” and “B” must be opposed to each other and can’t be in the same place at the same time). That idea largely underpins Western thinking and the idea came from Plato, who said as much with his Principle of Non-contradiction.
And in all fairness to Plato, so long as the conversation is limited to tangible stuff, he would be correct. Fortunately, the conversation goes far beyond stuff. But, just for the sake of argument, what if that principle is not true. It isn’t. Quantum Physics and Metaphysics both agree on that point. Simply explained: The Spirit/Big Mind/All-pervasive consciousness…however you wish to phrase it…is everywhere, all of the time, since the spirit is unconditional and all mortal things are conditional.
There is nowhere one can go where the spirit is not. Mortally we travel. Immortally travel is meaningless. Immortality (“A”) has no limits. “B” (mortality) does have limits and B exists within “A”. Poetically stated:
That is a very short description of the process of traveling nowhere, fast, but believing the destination is just around the corner. Since we are so persuaded, we keep thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the not-to-be-found fence. Why? Because we have come to the conclusion that Plato was right, and since all of us think we are “right” then others must be “wrong”. That way of seeing emanates from our bodies and our egos (containing my soul, with which I am spending more time). During my entire ego-bound life I have been slowly moving away from the PNC to where I am today: preparing to leave on a journey that leads back to my never-ending, true self. There have been lots of steps along my way and I will write about these steps in the days to come.
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