Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The walking dead.

Zombie Sleepwalkers

“I see dead people. They don’t see each other; walking around like regular people. They only see what they want to see. They don’t know they’re dead.”

That’s the secret of Darren (Peter Anthony Tambakis) tells his therapist (Bruce Willis), in the movie “The Sixth Sense.” Bruce is, like the others; dead without realizing he is and sees what he wants to see. Knowing like that becomes linked to what we want to see, hearing what we want to hear and paying no attention to our own ignorance. 

As a result, we are like zombies: the walking dead, without realizing and remaining ignorant of the unknown. We might as well be dead when we refuse to see what is, instead of what we want. Wishful thinking is a road to nowhere since it leaves us all paralyzed to manage the “what is.”

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