Friday, July 13, 2018

Big or small. What’s the size of your house?

What size is your house?

Wisdom is recast continuously. Nevertheless, wisdom is wisdom and adapts to many different situations. It fits rather nicely into the Buddhist framework, which is quite similar to the Christian context, which says, you are the body of Christ: the spirit of God dwells within.” 

Oh, by the way, the Gospel also teaches that Gods love is unconditional, but like the contrast between allegiance to either God or money, we like to mix things up a bit and say that while Gods love is unconditional, ours surely is not. 

How this divided kingdom idea plays out from a Buddhist perspective is that we are the house (just like The Christ said), and our house can’t stand divided. There are seemingly two rooms in our home. One of those rooms belongs to a phantom who is wholly dominated by money and possessiveness. That guy is called “ego,” and he thinks the whole house belongs to him. He is just a guest but has delusions of grandeur. 

The other room belongs to the host who owns the house. The guest just comes and goes, bobbing around like a cork on the tides of life. But the host never moves. He is the solid rock upon which the house is built. And here’s the real truth: This house is never divided even though it looks as if it were. Looks are deceiving. You can’t see the host, just the guest. We don’t know what doesn’t move, but only what does move.

And the house? It’s neither big nor small. It’s both large and small because this house is all that there is from smaller than an atom to the vast reaches of space. The house is your mind.

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