Sunday, October 18, 2020

Spiritual Math

One plus one equals two. Two divided by itself equals one. We learn these fundamental lessons about manipulating numbers early in life. It’s easy so long as it involves abstract numbers, and math doesn’t involve judgments and emotional overtones.

The rules are not subject to interpretation. We all agree on the rules, so we don’t get stressed even though one number is different. We don’t think, “Two is better than one” since two is just the sum of two ones joined together, and it would be impossible for the sum to exist without the union of ones.

That much is straightforward. No debate there. But when we add in the human component, it gets sticky. Now the game changes to “mine are better than yours,” and variations on that theme are unbounded. Differences now rule the day and are arrayed along with gender, politics, spiritual choices, age, sexual orientations, and racial differences (just to name a few prominent divisions).

The factor of difference overrides the factor of similarities, and conflicts flare as we war with one another over how we are better than someone different from us. Perhaps we all need to return to grammar school and learn the math of human relations. 

In today’s world, conflicts have become a dominant force, and these conflicts are all about how one person (or group) is better than another and beneath this issue lays the forgotten issue of unity. A person who chooses to align themself with one political group never stops being human. A person who strives to understand their relationship with their source by choosing one way against another never stops being human. One plus two always come out the same. These different numbers are always the result of the same fundamentals, and so are humans.

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